GMG Training121 Ltd, trading as Training121, is a limited company registered in the Republic of Ireland. Our company registration number is 723388.
The following is an outline of the Terms & Conditions for Training121. Participants must agree to these Terms & Conditions in order to book and attend a training session offered by Training121or any additional services.
Participant = A client, member and PAYG attendee of a Training121 on:pitch session.
“our”, “us”, or “we” refer to the business, GMG Training121 Ltd, trading as Training121.
Terms & Conditions (T&Cs)
You, as a participant of Training121 (or a consenting adult for a minor or minors*) agree to the following T&Cs outlined below.
This agreement commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Terms & Conditions section of the sign up process.
You have read, in full, the Training121 policies.
You have read, in full and understand that cancellations potentially may have a penalty fee in accordance with the T121 Cancellation Policy.
When viewing a session as a parent or guardian: no entering the field of play, instructions, criticism and foul language is tolerated. Failure to comply with this will result in immediate removal from the premises.
You have read and understand your rights as a data subject and how Training121 use your data.
Training121 (we) hold the right to refuse a request to train, participate and avail of services if, as service providers, i) We have a reasonable belief that such entry/service would produce a substantial risk of criminal or disorderly behaviour or damage to property at or in the vicinity of its premises. ii) We have no suitable session, group, clinic, etc available to offer for the participant. iii) Our venue providers as private property owners relay information to us regarding their policies and procedures.
No bullying of any kind will be tolerated when engaging with Training121 for all service offerings and on all Training121 social media platforms.
Training121 does not offer credit facilities for payment. All monies owed for services and products are to be paid before or on the day of your selected service or product.
On the very rare occasion that weather affects our ability to do a Training121 session offering, camp or clinic prior to participant attending the session, Training121 will automatically re-book participants into the same session offering the following time it is on. If the participant does not want to attend or cannot attend the re-booking, a full refund will be issued to the participant.